Western Region Irish Draught Foal Championship 2023

Generously sponsored by; The Boat Inn and The Lake Hotel, The Square, Oughterard.

Prize Fund €1,200


1.       This Championship is confined to Irish Draught Foals, the progeny of a Class 1 (R.I.D.) Irish Draught Mare and an Irish Draught Stallion that is classified as Class 1 (ID C1) in the Irish Draught Horse Studbook.

2.       The competition is open to either colt or filly foals.

3.       Dams passports must be produced at qualifying shows and at the final.

       Foals passports / stallion owners covering certs must be produced at final.

4.       Foals must be led at all times.

5.       One qualifier per show or two qualifiers if the standard is high enough at the judge’s discretion.

6.       On completion of judging, stewards must inform the successful competitor to visit the secretary’s office at the qualifying show within one hour and complete the necessary documentation for entry to the final.

      Note it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to make sure his/her foal is entered for  

      the final.

7.       Show Secretaries must forward the completed result cards, together with appropriate fee to the Oughterard Show secretary within 5 days of holding the qualifying class.

8.       The Oughterard Show in consultation with the sponsor reserve the right to amend the rules as may be necessary.

    It is envisaged that this competition will continue to give a new impetus to Irish Draught breeding and encourage farmers to produce quality Irish Draught stock on western farms.

Entry Fee to Final: €25                                                     

Prizes: 1 st €375 & Cup, 2 nd €225, 3 rd €170, 4 th €100, 5 th €75 & 6 th €50.     


All Enquiries to: Show Office – 086 1517289


A prize will be presented for Combination of Best Turned out Foal and most Suitably Dressed Handler.

Qualifying Shows 2023:

        28th May – Athenry Show                                                   16 th July – Loughrea Show          

11 th June – Claregalway Show                                              16 th July – Louisburgh Show

        17 th June – Finn Valley Agri Show                                       22nd July – Manorhamilton Show         

18 th June – Athlone Agricultural Show                                 7th Aug – Bonniconlon Show

8 th July –  Ardrahan Show                                                    12 h Aug – Gort & District Show

                  15 thJuly – Sligo County Agricultural Show                          19 th August – Roscommon Show                  

      `                                                                                              20th Aug – Ballyshannon Show

                                                                                                             20th Aug – Mohill Agricultural Show